Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Jeffrey Wang

You can see the full post over here.

Hi Jeffrey, I don't think you'll ever get to read this, but for the people who are,
I'd like to take this opportunity to express my true feelings about this post.

God forbid I stumble across this touching story about love on the internet translating to real life. Seems that everything unfolded like a true love story; a blissful romance.

LOL jk. What do I really think about this piece of shit? It's the most fucked up lie I've ever set my eyes on since Twilight. Okay not really because I don't read that nonsense, but I'd envision your bullshit to be somewhere along those lines. So listen up.

Even before you managed to get a whiff of Avery (girl in the picture), I was already her best friend. You know, one of those rare moments when you have a close relationship with a female without the ulterior motive of dating her? Yeah, that's how precious a friend she was to me. I could make fun of her one minute and talk about her problems the next. Looked like a friendship that would've lasted through the years right, cause you know, everything was fine.

But I guess I should've seen it coming, while good things don't always end, there will ALWAYS be a fucking loser lurking around in his own cesspit, waiting for a chance to ruin things beyond repair. Ever since you "got together" with Avery, it was like she had disappeared off the face of the Earth. I half suspected you had her locked up in your basement, only letting her out to eat and piss. Guess my conjecture was close. Couple of months later she finally began texting me again, only to tell me that lo and behold, you guys have broken up! Turns out the reason why she couldn't text me, as well as her other male friends was because.. she wasn't ALLOWED to. Deary me, what kind of sick bastard would deprive a girl of some basic freedom because of his stupid insecurities? Oh that's right...

And quite frankly, her presence was sorely missed as we talked about why things couldn't work out. In lieu of her happiness, I almost, ALMOST urged her to try to work things out with you when she said, "He saw our messages and forbade me to text you." Oh bingo, good sir. Exposed, smashed, ripped open. That one sentence proved just how retarded you were.

You're lucky, because she caved in eventually. And HOW do I know this? I got another round of no-replies, and the next thing I knew, I was fucking deleted and blocked from viewing her profile. Imagine the pleasantly surprised face as I tried to figure out what happened. I guess that wasn't too hard either; just dealing with yet another predictable kid as usual.

To my other readers, I'm not posting this to get your sympathy, because to sympathize with someone, he has to be going through a plight, but I honestly don't think I am. On hindsight, I'm really glad things like these happen, because not only does it show how fucking lame you are, Jeffrey; it also opens my eyes to the weak friend that you really are, Avery. In between disappointment and amazement, I'm glad you've revealed yourself to be such a love-sick pussy. Definitely saved me the trouble of finding that out myself.

I also want to give you credit for selecting that picture to be uploaded to Stomp. Look at you guys; so cute together. A fine example that the filthy are not always punished.
P.s, you look famished in that picture, have you accidentally eaten her conscience, probably out of jealousy that she has, or rather had one? Might wanna check, buddy.

What do I have left to say to you Jeff? You know, after three months working in the company I'm currently attached to, I was adamant that no one would ever be as disgusting and redundant to society as this ape-like co-worker of mine. I now stand corrected, because you come close, really close; so frighteningly close that I could've mistaken you for him anytime. To which I'd say, "Go hang yourself, you donkey-faced mother of garbage." I'll look forward to seeing you as the new face of AIDS.


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