Monday, January 2, 2012

Coming of the New

Well, this is awkward; I wanted to post on New Year's but I got lazy so now it's just going to be a post about New Year's.

Anyhoo, I'd like to take some time off my working schedule (cause you know, it's only logical to waste the company's time to fulfill my whims) to reflect on where I'm standing right now. When people say to never look back, they're only half right. True, you don't look back and regret, but you can always look back and reflect.

It has been a long and bumpy right isn't it? After 20 years of existence I don't need a reminder that this year won't be a bed of roses either. And then it struck me.. 20 years! Oh God I'm.SO.OLD.
It so surreal that I still have vivid memories about my childhood:

  1. Being carried home by my Dad after picking me up from the babysitter.
  2. Watching Barney and Popeye re-runs all morning
  3. Trying to hide my Mom's treasured wooden cane.
  4. Pulling out my first loose milk tooth.
  5. Learning how to swear, partly because of a Power Rangers episode.
  6. Taking a piss on my bicycle cause I couldn't dismount in time to find a bush.

Just to name a few. Yes, I certainly enjoyed those years, and unhealthy as it may seem, I sometimes do wish I could be a child again, free from the scornful eyes of the filthy world, but one does not live by being cooped up at home; for a hero to write his legacy he first has to leave his comfort zone, as illustrated by the many games we play today.

Sooner or later, you'll have to forsake everything you depended on and live from scratch; making decisions, friends, enemies and so on; and here's the scary bit, you'll have to live with the consequences from making those decisions, right or wrong. But if there's one thing I've learnt over the years is to block out the 'what ifs'. What if I had done this or that; what if something happens. By the time you've sorted those out, you'll be miles behind. To think that 20 years have come and gone, just like that.

you don't have time to stop and think.

you see, time's a little bitch; It's selfish, impatient and incredibly ruthless. It doesn't care if you've fallen and need him to stick around so you can get up. It will run you over. When you're dying, it doesn't give a fuck if you need him a little more so you can complete your bucket list.
The message is clear, whatever you think you have to do,

do it today.

-and never, ever look back.

So this year, I honestly don't know what's in store for me; the people I'll meet, the friends I'll make or lose, the girls I'll date, the choices that I'll make- whatever they are. All I know is this;
I won't regret my actions. Not now, not ever.

Happy New Year!

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