Thursday, January 5, 2012


The title says it all - I have literally nothing to blog about, which is a crying shame, given the amount of time I have in the office. As Singaporeans would say, "Don't jealous ah!",
but please don't be; it's not cool to spend your day, sitting down, putting on weight from sitting down, and basically losing IQ every time you interact with some people.

That said, this post will be another pointless, random post filled to the brim with garbage; so take it as you will.

..That space right there, represents a moment of awkward silence as I amaze myself yet again, by not having anything forming in my mind right now; it's a complete blank. Then again, having a desk job does that to you. I wonder how people convince themselves that what they're doing is any fun at all. Just imagine, sitting on your butt for a good nine hours typing email after email, having to deal with some of the biggest idiots on the planet, and then resign saying that they'll recommend this job to his or her peers. What sadist would pull off such a dick move on the people genuinely trying to develop in a pleasant environment where one can have fun, not look at his watch every five minutes to see if it's time for lunch (which is sadly, what I've been doing).

I think the school management needs to realise that there're only so many girls on Facebook that I can ogle, and only so much stupidity I can tolerate. You know just two months ago I was discussing chalet plans with my friends and then I realised that.. I don't HAVE a December holiday anymore. To think I've spent the last of it asking my friends if they have job vacancies for me. Parents these days need to know that, just because they've spent their childhood in poverty, earning money for their family, doesn't mean that their kids should do the same. Okay, we're more fortunate, and we're grateful, get over it already! If anything, part-time work should be discouraged during vacations. I mean, holidays aren't called breaks for no reason. It's bad enough that I do work during term, but it's worse when I spend time allocated to me for rest, ON more work. Now how fucking stupid is that?

The world is always in a hurry. People are always in a rush, and taking a break seems almost impossible to reach, which is sad really; but I'm only saying that cause I'm a lazy cunt. By lazy I mean: I do work, just not like a madman. For instance, I'm supposed to be doing my work now, but here I am, typing away. But that's not to say I won't be doing my work. And no that isn't procrastinating, because I really have something else to do; in this case, satisfying my blogging whims. What, it's a VERY important need to meet okay, I make people laugh, it's public service. When I stop to do my work, I cry; that's a disservice, abuse even.

Excuse me while I cry me a river.
Just so you know, I overheard the scum worker acting cute on the phone.
It's like this morning all over again, when I woke up, flapped my fat sausage arms about and accidentally knocked my phone onto the floor.

"Oh fuck."

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