Friday, July 20, 2012


Okay guys, I'm in a dilemma. I want to feel bad for not posting in ages, but I'm really not; mainly cause I'm too damn tired after booking out from camp. It's true that being in the army makes you a little dim; nothing too damaging, but it's SERIOUSLY hindering my creative juices right nao.

So that's annoying..

How have you guys been? I'm good, living one day at a time, just thankful to be back home. But enough about that, cause what happens in the army stays there. And since nothing interesting will happen in the next two years, you shall all be treated with endless posts of useless opinions on useless issues that useless people have in a useless world. WOOHOO!

And to the guys out there, I'm quite sorry [or at least I try to, ha ha; sadface] that I can't click well with you all, but we are totally on a different level. I like to talk about things you don't, and I certainly don't think starting at boobs all day is productive or funny or cool. kthxbye.

So girls, call me maybe. LOL fuck what a stupid catchphrase. No wonder today's generation of kiddies are just facepalm-worthy.