Wednesday, February 22, 2012


So.. I heard my blog scream neglect so I hightailed over to rescue it.
The bad thing about not being bored is that I won't have the motivation to blog. It's quite ironic how I need something crappy to give me the push I need.

What have I been doing these days? Unlike most students, (ROFL) I don't have to wake up at 6 in the morning, I don't have to dread Mondays, and most of all, I travel on empty buses.


Moving on, do you have a friend who tries too hard to fit into your group? To further his efforts, he emulates everything that his friends do. You have a girlfriend? He's gonna hit on every girl he sees. You take pictures? He's gonna use his cheap Nokia phone and go around taking crappy shots. You swear? He's gonna talk like Kanye West. You swim? He'll drown, end of story.

Not that I don't feel sorry for these people who're obviously socially inept, but why try so hard to fit in when you can simply be yourself? When I look for a friend, I don't care if you're unattractive, I don't care if you still play YuGiOh cards.. LOL jk, if you do, fuck off. But seriously, you don't have to impress me to be my friend, I'm happy with a Plain Jane or a Normal Norman; in fact, I prefer you un-awesome people than the popular kids on the block. I guess in that sense, it makes you more awesome actually.

So please, if you, yes you right there, are insecure, or think you're doing that, stop it right now. Don't let society talk you down, don't be the person that other people want you to be, just be you. If I wanted to make friends with awesome people I would've talked to the mirror all day.

ROFL jk.
Happy first week of not working you scrubs!

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