For a more thorough illustration:
I don't know if this is a result of attempting to post on a daily basis, but as a firm believer of quality over quantity, I might switch to delivering better posts, instead of spamming fairly useless crap.
And so 2 hours after starting on this post, I'm still here, wondering how shitty this whole thing will turn out at the end.
I've had an interesting conversation with a friend of mine yesterday, which ended with the notion of living back in the Dark Ages. If you think about it however, the dark days of the 14th century were nothing compared to the gloomy days in store for us; but that's another story.
I mean, how cool would it be to experience life in the absence of technology? People today are rely too much on modern science to function. Envision a day without a computer, a cell phone, a television, a car, and even a radio. How many of us can boldly ignore their conscience and lie through their teeth claiming that they can survive the ordeal?
What if technology never made strides? Picture traveling to your local wharf on a modest horse, before setting off on a merchant ship to sell your wares; does raging over Angry Birds or stalking pretty girls on facebook even come close to the sense of adventure that awaits you? Granted that with the lack of technology comes with it the slightly uglier downsides like degenerating hygiene or poor medical upkeep, it's still safe to say that the people then would rightfully be better off than the spoilt brats of 2012. At an age when war was imminent and diseases ran amok, every single inhabitant had to fend for his/herself. As a result, they became more independent and stronger in so many aspects; almost to the point that it gets slightly embarrassing when you place them beside a screaming kid smashing his face into the computer screen because his teammate was a lousy DOTA player.
People always emphasize on the need to always look ahead, but perhaps it's time to take a glance at our predecessors, and finally learn how they survived the Black Death while we stumble over ourselves during blackouts.
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