This is a comedian:
(Shane Dawson)
Oh and
This, is NOT a comedian:
(Dee Kosh)
(Jack Neo)
(Amos Yee)
Lastly, this is a faggot:
(Steven Lim(korkor ROFL))
I think the above section is pretty self-explanatory.
Not so for the second part.
I like how ridiculous some excuses are becoming. If I wanted to read stories, I would've picked up an Enid Blyton's classic, not talk to you.
Some Singaporeans are assholes, because whenever other people criticize them, they say it's "culture"; specifically, Singlish.
Now I'm not trying to be snobbish here because I speak Singlish as well; but there's a very BIG difference between Singlish, and broken English. For example, this is a Singlish sentence: "I don't want it la." The basic English is there; only difference is that there's a "la" at the end of the sentence, mainly to add some impact to the statement. This is perfectly okay in my book. The problem arises when people think that: "I doesn't want it la." is still a Singlish sentence. That is broken English, not Singlish.
Many Singaporeans tend to confuse the two, or rather group them together into one category. So when people criticize Singlish, they really mean your grammar sucks and not because it has a "la", "lor", "leh" etc. We're not the only ones who use them; Honkers (Hong Kong people) too, have them in most of their sentences. So p.s, don't claim it as ours because.. it's not o.o
So what happens when the Speak Good English campaign comes in? It's good change right? Because educating the public on how to speak proper English is the way to go.. or not, because now Singaporeans are against the campaign, citing culture and snobbishness. Yep, we're a bunch of retards. Since when is incorrectly using the English language a fucking culture? On the other hand, if my grasp on Mandarin is poor, they'll start to point fingers at me and laugh. Let me get this straight; you think its a-okay to speak broken English, but not okay to speak broken Mandarin. Talk about snobbishness..
ROFL Singaporean logic.
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