So what's the deal with people complaining about other people dating their ex's? They come up with phases they think are cool, such as "My mother taught me to give my used toys to the needy.", or "I'm eating a sandwich, want those leftovers too?"
If you're one of those people, then I pose this question: Why do you bitch so much about it? If you're the one who got dumped by him or her, stop being bitter and get over yourselves. But judging from some of the lame phases you nerds come up with, you're probably the one who called it off. If so, bitching about it just makes you a hypocrite. If you have a problem with other people eating your "leftovers", then maybe you shouldn't have called it off, dumbass.
And I thought I was stupid back in the day. God damn.
Anyway, aporogy for late post. I've had an extremely busy week and to top it off, I'm sick as a dog. yay life!
But I'll try to post tidbit sized ones when I'm a complete blank, like now. We'll see.
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