Welcome to another episode of Ben's Life is So Sporadically Interesting!
I like how some people announce that they'd start the new year on a fresh note, but hours after doing so,
they rant and rave about how miserable their lives are.
I think they're addicted to the pity they get from other people stupid enough to give it to them. It's like they've become e-beggars. "Please take pity on my pathetic life, and please give me sound advice so I can take a shit on it and tell you that you'll never understand me." Boys, please stop thinking with your penises. Liking a chick's status or expressing how sorry you feel for them won't get you the stuff you're looking for. And you worms aren't exactly giving them the help you think you're giving.
I feel old when I refer to these people as "today's generation", but god damn, am I glad not to be a part of their little group of circlejerking butt buddies.
Short rant today, I'll probably post something different next time.
I wonder how your week will be; other than the concrete fact that it will be heaps better than mine.
Please take pity on my pathetic life.
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