We can't stay in one place forever; it's just not healthy. Far too often, we stick around for too long and form comfort zones, and what happens when circumstances deem it necessary for us to move - we panic and flop.
How far should your comfort zone be, and when can you finally settle down?
A: The world, and never.
Even as I'm sitting in my office blogging, I feel a tinge of sadness that I'm virtually caged up, while young, adventurous explorers are out there combing the planet. Then, I think about people back home, accepting that a simple life is all they're ever going to live, so they mull about, going about their everyday tasks, thinking that they'll never be able to see the world.
And it's sad to see how people don't see the urgency in living to the fullest, but rightfully so, given that we don't really think much about how fast time passes until it's all gone. I know I have been bitching about this for quite some time, but every second spent inside a building in my own country is a second wasted. So after typing this, I would have probably wasted a couple of hours. What?! Ben takes a few hour typing a short ass crummy post??? Oh sorree I forgot to mention that I'm in camp - just in case all the talk about being caged up didn't give it away.
So I don't usually talk about what's going on in my life, but lets just say that what's happening to me right now prompted me with this topic.
It's so easy to stay in my comfort zone and stick with the people I'm comfortable with, but then I'll never be able to broaden my horizons and to make the world my comfort zone.
LOL jk I'm in the army, so fuck that, I'm staying.
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