We can't stay in one place forever; it's just not healthy. Far too often, we stick around for too long and form comfort zones, and what happens when circumstances deem it necessary for us to move - we panic and flop.
How far should your comfort zone be, and when can you finally settle down?
A: The world, and never.
Even as I'm sitting in my office blogging, I feel a tinge of sadness that I'm virtually caged up, while young, adventurous explorers are out there combing the planet. Then, I think about people back home, accepting that a simple life is all they're ever going to live, so they mull about, going about their everyday tasks, thinking that they'll never be able to see the world.
And it's sad to see how people don't see the urgency in living to the fullest, but rightfully so, given that we don't really think much about how fast time passes until it's all gone. I know I have been bitching about this for quite some time, but every second spent inside a building in my own country is a second wasted. So after typing this, I would have probably wasted a couple of hours. What?! Ben takes a few hour typing a short ass crummy post??? Oh sorree I forgot to mention that I'm in camp - just in case all the talk about being caged up didn't give it away.
So I don't usually talk about what's going on in my life, but lets just say that what's happening to me right now prompted me with this topic.
It's so easy to stay in my comfort zone and stick with the people I'm comfortable with, but then I'll never be able to broaden my horizons and to make the world my comfort zone.
LOL jk I'm in the army, so fuck that, I'm staying.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Saturday, January 19, 2013
The crown weighed heavy on his head, but it didn't matter; the wait has ended.
thirty types of jewels gleaming back at him as he took the crown in his arms. They welcomed his ascension.
He then held the scepter up.
funny how something so small and simple could empower him to rule a kingdom.
Looking down at the common people going about their everyday business, while he watches from his royal balcony, with their lives in the palm of his hand. He could single one person out and he'd be gone without a trace.
with such power surging through his fingertips, he felt like a God waiting to be worshiped. People would fall on their knees and sing praises to him.
It wasn't all jolly though. Damien, his only brother, didn't live to witness that special day.
"I'm so sorry I can't share this moment with you.. if only you would give me the throne the first time I'd asked for it.."
He composed himself and walked out of the palace to receive the audience.
The reign of terror has just begun.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
So what's the deal with people complaining about other people dating their ex's? They come up with phases they think are cool, such as "My mother taught me to give my used toys to the needy.", or "I'm eating a sandwich, want those leftovers too?"
If you're one of those people, then I pose this question: Why do you bitch so much about it? If you're the one who got dumped by him or her, stop being bitter and get over yourselves. But judging from some of the lame phases you nerds come up with, you're probably the one who called it off. If so, bitching about it just makes you a hypocrite. If you have a problem with other people eating your "leftovers", then maybe you shouldn't have called it off, dumbass.
And I thought I was stupid back in the day. God damn.
Anyway, aporogy for late post. I've had an extremely busy week and to top it off, I'm sick as a dog. yay life!
But I'll try to post tidbit sized ones when I'm a complete blank, like now. We'll see.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Welcome to another episode of Ben's Life is So Sporadically Interesting!
I like how some people announce that they'd start the new year on a fresh note, but hours after doing so,
they rant and rave about how miserable their lives are.
I think they're addicted to the pity they get from other people stupid enough to give it to them. It's like they've become e-beggars. "Please take pity on my pathetic life, and please give me sound advice so I can take a shit on it and tell you that you'll never understand me." Boys, please stop thinking with your penises. Liking a chick's status or expressing how sorry you feel for them won't get you the stuff you're looking for. And you worms aren't exactly giving them the help you think you're giving.
I feel old when I refer to these people as "today's generation", but god damn, am I glad not to be a part of their little group of circlejerking butt buddies.
Short rant today, I'll probably post something different next time.
I wonder how your week will be; other than the concrete fact that it will be heaps better than mine.
Please take pity on my pathetic life.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

It's not a fresh start like so many claim the new year to be. Well, that's true on paper, but really, it's just a continuation from where we left of in 2012.
Now, I don't mean to be a party pooper and take a shit on everyone else's optimism, because the Placebo effect works at times, and most certainly, the day set aside to celebrate that welcoming of the new year is beneficial for me - yay public holidays. But realistically speaking, it's just another day. I hate coming up with new year's resolutions, and rightfully so. You see, when you have that enthusiasm to start anew, you'll come up with a million and one things to do. You've experienced it on a smaller scale; like when you wake up feeling good, like the "today's gonna be a good day" feeling and then you get up and plan to do this and that, but as the day progresses you find yourself slowly slipping away from the proposed tasks at hand. It's not your fault because enthusiasm dies out quickly.
Most people don't know the difference, because at the end of the day, it's not enthusiasm that keeps you going, but passion. Passion lies deeper in you and not just skimming the surface. Passion gives you the drive to do things, the desire to get things done.
So I've resolved not to bother with resolutions, but to keep going.
Besides, isn't it better to put those plans into action instead of coming up with a list of those plans?
Talk about counter-productivity.
But that said,
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