So we survived the apocalypse, that's a good way to end the year. I'm sorry, for all those people out there who literally spent every dime on survival pods and other physical proofs of their paranoia. I hope those objects will hold sentimental memories for ages to come; they better do, considering how much money they splash on them. haw haw. Mayans - 1, 21st Century idiots - 0.
Now if you have followed my journey throughout the year, you'll know that 2012 has been a life-changing year for me. From The Chimp to substandard friends, to National fucking Service. Who needs TNP's flame awards, just browse through my blog and you'll see a worthier shortlist, hands down.
As we grow older, we get caught in this situation where, we know that life is actually pretty simple, and we want to keep it that way, but until we're able to make a difference, we're still forced to play by the rules made by people who keeps it complicated. Over time, some people give up, and they too, start think life is difficult, which is sad, because they lose that childhood innocence that had the potential to change the way people live.
I'm really only saying this because I'm blaming these assholes for unnecessary wars which eventually resulted in NS. Like what the fuck, you fucking politicians have prestigious degree and you think that killing thousands to satisfy your own whims is a good idea? Oh that's right, I guess the word politician really stresses the kind of selfish people they really are; nothing like 3 'i's to underline that individualism.
Whew all that ranting is making me tired. Talk about e-laziness. ROFL.
Proper year review tomorrow!
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