So from the above image, 209,363 people fell for it, while obviously, only 166 people labelled it as fake.
This is sad, if people fall for scams this easily. I'm also reminded of the other shenanigans that have been polluting the Facebook community these days.
I find it funny when someone would randomly add 5000 friends and then think that those are true friends and that he/she is super popular. Isn't it absurd, that these people not realise that getting 'likes' on pictures and statuses isn't a good indication that they're well-liked by people? How do they know so much about sex and not comprehend that when guys like their utterly pointless posts, it just means that they want to get in their pants. Obviously, one can tell a witty status from a mountain of trashy ones. And how long do they plan to keep hiding the fact that they're not as good looking and hot as their make-up and photoshop laden pictures might suggest? I mean, if you want to see them as they are, look at the pictures they're tagged in, they're more candid.
The most disgusting of the lot are people who literally beg for 'likes'. Again, read above for complimentary palm to your face. Difference is that these people try way, way harder than their already attention-whoring counterparts in the race to be the most coveted facebook's resident slut. So as the new year dawns upon us, I can only hope that this isn't the downward spiral that people these days are descending into; that there is, in a little corner hidden somewhere, hope for humanity, and not everything is as fucked up as they seem.
ROFL jk R.I.P humanity.
..and The Rev. I miss you.
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