Saturday, April 28, 2012


I'm sure we all have pet peeves, big or small. But today I don't care about you, because this is my post, addressing my own issues. That, is an example of arrogance and self-centredness, thinking that only you matter in your life.

I don't know if it's just me, but I feel that arrogance outranks all other shortcomings in terms of annoyance factor. I can probably take it if you're mean or two faced, but arrogant people just make me want to staple their balls to the table, if I don't feel like killing them first that is. There's something about their faces that seem to say, "Hey baby, quick punch me right here, in the kisser, cause I need the resulting ugliness to match my personality!"

And you know, I might just do it.
I mean, how hard is it to curb your ego and open your eyes to the many other people whom you should start to include in your already packed schedules, full of nothing but me-times?

So I leave you with this: hi, I'm awesome and you're a piece of shit. The end!

Okay I'm kidding, I think that's not funny so I'll stop


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