Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Today, I wanna talk about my inability to write long stories. If you've been reading my posts, you'll notice that they're all really short; and while I'm not obsessed with lengthening what I write, I realise that this is a skill that I'll have to pick up sooner or later in my writing career.

Without further ado, here's a list of my shortcomings when it comes to writing stories.
There are supposed to be more than this but I'm pretty damn sleepy right now, sorry >:

I'm not good with names -
Most of my characters don't have names. I'm kinda trying to justify this as a writing style, so readers would stop focusing so much on the unnecessary details and pay more attention to the story itself, but I had a change of heart after realising how ridiculously stupid it sounded. Additionally, I'm extremely picky about names. Probably about 90% of the names that come up in my mind sound really weird; it's like most of them are meant to be slapped on characters of a funny story. Here, observe - what do you think of when I mention, "Tom, Peter, Jake, Jerry, Edward," just to name a few. Although it might be from watching too much cartoons when I was younger.. sue me. And although I really like my stories better if my characters are nameless, even more so in short stories because I can get away with it, names will be more important when it comes to writing a book.

Not a big fan of descriptions -
Now I'm not saying that I dislike descriptions, but can you imagine a whole thousand-word paragraph with a huge bulk of it just being descriptions of various things; how boring would that be? The trick is to describe just enough for readers to visualise the rest of the scene themselves. Being a reader myself, I don't want three paragraphs of how a market looks like. Good descriptions are short, but allows me to create the rest of the scene with my imagination. That, to me, is what separates good writers from the amateurs.

Perfectionist -
I don't want to make it seem like I'm bragging like it's something to be proud of. Well maybe it is, in small dosages, but sometimes, I can delete entire stories when I reread them and feel like they no longer flow like I initially thought they would. More than anything else, I find myself hooked on stories with sentences that get along well with each other. Since then, I try my best to ensure that my posts; be it stories or just a simple rant, end up the same way. Just in case you're wondering, one such writer whom I absolutely admire is Lisa Foiles. Here's one of her many amazing articles - CLEEK ME
Oh and for the record, I don't like her just for her huge boobs. Just saying.

With that, you now know why I don't update as often as I'd like to, and why they usually end up short. I've always found reasons to justify myself, until actually attempting to write a book got me thinking that not only do I have a long way to go, I have an entire mountain to climb.

Wish me luck!

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