Wednesday, December 14, 2011


So recently, I asked what people thought about prostitution, and why they're being scrutinized.
Sure enough, the answers I got were stereotypical to say the least.

A prostitute in the eyes of society are:

1.People who sell their body and conscience
3.Not worthy of sympathy and respect

Those are just a few out of the hundreds of accusations bombarded at them at a regular basis.
A good start would be to think before you talk, so lets consider the following points.

I've had someone say that "to call prostitution a job is an insult."

A job, as defined by the dictionary, is:
A piece of work, especially a specific task done as part of the routine of one's occupation or for an agreed price.

Sounds familiar? A specific task done as part of the routine of one's occupation - sex.

Now on to the bigger issue.
On one hand, people view prostitutes as immoral, filthy whores; but if you think about it, they're just taking advantage of human weaknesses.
I pose a scenario: If a wife catches her husband patronizing a prostitute, who is at fault, the husband or the latter? Far too often, housewives blame the latter, they say it's their fault that the husbands go astray. Is that really the case? If an employer is caught stealing from the company's safe, does the manager blame him or the money that's sitting there?

Prostitutes can be characterized along with money as Temptation. When a person falls into sin, it's not the fault of the sin for being there, but the person for succumbing to temptation. Similarly, the husband is clearly at fault for being weak-minded and not the prostitutes for trying to entice him.

Secondly, consider this; many of us today want to make it big, we take up corporate jobs hoping to climb all the way to the top. Many of us dream of big houses, fast cars and a jet-set lifestyle.
Some of us will eventually climb to the top, but hardly by honest means. Backstabbing, bootlicking, sabotage, spreading gossip, bribery, corruption; just to name a few. If anything, these acts are worse than what prostitutes are doing, for in their case, the patrons choose to sin, but for us, WE choose to commit these acts. That said, how are we any better than the common slut?

We sell our conscience too. We're like the corporate prostitutes; we sell our souls for money.

In conclusion, am I condoning prostitution? No. Are they immoral? Probably. Are they then filthy and evil? That's not for us to judge, for we're all filthy people, just that some choose not to hide that part of themselves, while others like you and I, keep that prostitute in us,

hidden within our masquerade.

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