Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I always find it funny when schools or corporations take down fun pages. Take the recent Facebook trend for example: my secondary school decided that "BBSS Confessions" was posing a significant threat to its reputation and opted to shut it down.

I don't know if they've ever thought things through before going for it, but if they think that a fun page like that poses a threat to its reputation, then it really just proves that they do have things to hide. It's like how our local paper blocks out anti-government articles, under the illusion of course, that no one has found out about the filth beneath their "squeaky clean" image.

If this is how evolution works - where adults become more stupid as they age, then I really don't want to grow up. It brings joy and peace to my heart knowing that I'm under the care of these people. Yay.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Sometimes, I'm tempted to keep sensitive issues to myself, but then tension builds up when I do; when everyone does, and that's what makes society hanging by a thread - so sensitive, so volatile.

Everything becomes taboo, and unfortunate events happen to the people who aren't afraid to talk about the things we've always wanted to.

Do people really think that the facade they regularly put on is even remotely undetectable at all, or do they think otherwise because other people just wear the same facade as well. It's a good laugh when fake people look at other fake people and say, "Oh this person is so fake."

Ha ha.

Monday, February 11, 2013


Okay for those of you who believe that the world is trying to eradicate crime, you can stop dreaming.

Can you imagine a world without chaos? There's no need to lock your doors, no need for CCTVs, ugly, anti-crime signs, no need for policemen, or security guards; no need for laws, or lawyers, or jails, nor jailers.

Yeah neither can I.

The world thrives on a little chaos. Truth is, we need chaos to generate jobs, to keep us on our toes, and to fan the huge collective ego of the government. In the absence of chaos, people become complacent and lazy, because everything is so smooth-sailing. What if Adam and Eve didn't take the apple, think about how boring the world would be. And I'll tell you why chaos came to be - it's because of laws.

We all have this instinct in us, when we see a rule prohibiting us to do something, curiosity takes control and we'll do it anyway. Have you ever been to a store that has a bowl of candies on the counter that you can take for free? Yeah you guys hardly ever take one do you.

The harder people try to curb the chaos, the bigger it will be. There are countless instances of such blatant backfires, yet people never learn. Then again, the human race is as dense as it will ever be.

And to think we're still surprised when we see stupidity everywhere.

Too much white is not good for you.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I think it's pretty shallow for people to go up to you and tell you that you've changed.

"You're not who you used to be."
"You're so different now."
"I barely know you now."

Admittedly, we all have some sort of mould for every individual that we know, because that's how we know them by, and when they do something out of the ordinary, we start to judge them. But of course, we forget that people change all the time, obviously. I'll never be the same person I was five years ago, or maybe last year, or last month, or even yesterday. Countless events happen everyday that subtly shape us. Maybe that's why people don't notice the changes until they become more apparent.

Friday, February 1, 2013


It's funny how I'm bemoaning the fact that I'm 21 and more exposed to problems that adults have to deal with when just 10 years ago, I couldn't WAIT to turn 21 and be an adult. Of course as a child, I had no clue about what an adult has to go through, because my biggest problem back then was deciding on which cartoon show to watch, or which computer game to play. And I guess these problems slowly crept in, and all of a sudden, it imploded right after I turned 21, like a banner that reads, "Congratulations on turning 21, now deal with these."

Thanks age, thanks.

We can't stay sheltered forever though, and soon we'll all have to worry about taxes, bills, starting a family, getting a job, and all that jazz. Unless you're a rich kid, in which I'd be obliged to give you a complementary "up yours". But on hindsight, it goes to show that what you do with your life will eventually affect your child's as well. And that kinda makes me want to think twice about having a kid (nothing about reevaluating my life at all. Yay, let's evade the primary focus!)

But in all seriousness, seeing how youngins these days are mostly fucked up and just plain disgusting, I'm not sure if I'd want my child to be born into a world where stupidity and materialism are worshiped - it's like giving birth in a gay bar.

That said, this year has been interesting so far, and now that money season is coming up, that means embracing the calorie-laden pineapple tarts and bulging red packets!